Conventional marketing v.s. Online marketing

Here are some questions you can respond to and know if your brand is stuck in the traditional marketing system.

  1. Are you spending tons of money on ¼ page in a magazine ?

  2. Are you constantly sending Direct mail to all of your database?

  3. Do you have people working to do specifically telemarketing?

A simple explanation of what digital marketing is, would be the use of digital channels like social media accounts and websites for marketing communication. Traditional marketing is not over, but it is important to understand that people’s lives are growing in the digital world. People are investing many hours of their day searching in the web so your business can use this to its fullest potential. 

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One issue that marketing specialists have with the conventional approach is that this is very difficult to measure. The impact cannot be truly obtained without full investment of deep field research. This type of research costs a lot of money and time. Another inconvenience of these formats is the cost because they are usually very expensive. They cost a lot of money because of what it takes to really make it happen.  

Online marketing is a non expensive format that can be exploited for the company's advantage. You can start by analyzing and see what your audience likes and thinks, so then, use this information to design the correct content. The online advertising can be measured and tracked in depth, not like traditional ones. The response can be analyzed to keep track of your success and to keep improving.

It is not a secret that the 2020 pandemic brought a lot of struggles for companies all over the world. They need to invest wisely since the economy was struck by the COVID-19 virus. One of the biggest savings companies can have is on their marketing. They can have a low budget and invest it on an online platform. People are spending most of their time on the internet so why not use it for the brand’s benefit?

You don’t want to get behind your competitors. So updating the marketing methods can make you grow even in these hard times. An important fact for traditional marketing is that most of the content is found outside peoples’ homes. Let’s remind ourselves that customers are limiting their time outside for safety reasons.


Companies need both strategies to make sure they are connecting and promoting their products to their customers, but there is no longer the need to spend tons of money on the traditional one. Digital marketing, used correctly, can have a higher impact than a big billboard. These days, with the amount of technology within our reach, companies need to step up into the digital world. And let's be honest, digital marketing can adapt quickly to changes in the world.

You can even combine online strategies to make them more efficient. And the best part of all is the integration capabilities with multiple platforms, opening a world of collaborations.


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