How going LIVE on social media can break down barriers.

Are you still gathering the courage to start a Live Video on Social Media? It seems a bit scary to think that many people are going to see you in real time. What if you choke or freeze? The fear is real.
To help with this, there are different aspects that you need to understand so you overcome those fears and see the true benefit. When you start broadcasting, Facebook is going to build you an audience. This community will push your live content out to the people who like your page and also, others will discover you via Facebook Live map. To make sure people are expecting your broadcast, you can post a day before or a few hours prior, so your audience can get ready for you. The feature of doing real time videos on Facebook is relatively new in the platform, but it has been a great strategy for brands to connect with their audience and give the transparency needed to be genuine. 

Do you know the best part of Facebook Live? ¡It's FREE! 


First knowing your audience is key when going live. To feel connected and confident with an audience, you need to know most of their demographic information. This data is going to provide the tips necessary to make sure the content shared is appealing and appropriate for them. The live videos don't need to be spontaneous if you don’t feel as confident. Having a structure and a formula is going to allow you to keep track of what you plan to say. Your brand is going to obtain real time interaction, comments, questions and participation. Did you know that watching a video takes less time than reading an article? People can sumit real time questions to be answered by who he or she trusts within your brand. This platform provides you the opportunity to engage with your primary fans. Your social media strategy should use the various forms to talk to people so the communication doesn’t become boring. 

Facebook and Instagram have a preference for videos, so in exchange, they program their algorithms to prioritize live videos in the news feed. They even send notifications to the followers prior to the live video to ensure their participation. So social media platforms already have a preference on these videos and the only thing missing is for you to start yours. Now in Covid-19 times, live videos are a way to keep a front interaction with your customers who are kept at a distance like never before. You want them to know that you are still there providing what they need in their lives. People are now more connected digitally than never before. That’s why the streaming consumption increased 73% from February to March 2020. Any company that takes advantage of these platforms and makes live videos to keep interacting with their audience. With the right planning you can obtain a great response. 

People are now preferring a virtual experience. Companies in exchange can advertise easily and with a low budget. What you share in the streaming should represent your brand in a positive way.

Let's give you an example of how Live videos can be a successful approach. 


Hospital Ángeles has been using real time videos to assure their pacients that the Hospital is following the right protocols to maintain everyone safe during COVID-19 times. With these videos, they have been able to show their separate area where they treat COVID-19 patients. This information couldn’t be checked in any other way besides going in person. After watching this video, people showed interest in the hospital and many conversations started. Maybe because of the pandemic, people are more hesitant to trust their safety in certain locations. Imagine their fears of going to seek medical attention in a place where they think they could get infected. Businesses need to figure out their message in order to ease people’s worries. Remember that your community is there because they trust the brand’s voice. It is important to remind them who they are and what they are worth.

Digital media will remain crucial for brands to adapt with the upcoming changes this pandemic has and will bring. It is expected that customers will spend more time online than in physical stores. You can even plan digital events with Live streaming. People can obtain a new experience with your brand by jumping in your video. This is going to become a mobile lifestyle for many companies. What’s going to decide whether brands will recover from this crisis is their digital strategies in online platforms. This is more of an adaptation to keep improving. Don’t be afraid of jumping in and starting your Live Video. The more you do the easier they become. Talk with your team and gather ideas for your content. Show your companie’s capabilities and prioritize in the digital transformation what will allow you to keep engaging with your loyal customers.


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