ProQuipos - One car at a time

Proquipos Guatemala Welding

Proquipos has been offering repair services for more than 30 years in Guatemala. They've had enough success in the industry that, despite the fact that each year more car shops open, they don’t have a day where the shop is not full of cars that need to be fixed. That sounds like they are killing it right? Proquipos’ expertise makes them leaders in the field and many insurance companies use the shop’s services for their clients. This is the reason why they are always full of work. They are trusted with others’ vehicles and are recommended by the insurance companies, who make sure each car leaves as good as new. But despite the fact that they have a lot of demand, their profit margins aren’t exactly big.

¨ As the years passed, we started to realize that most of our clients come from insurance companies and those clients are simply pushed towards us and the prices come already negotiated, meaning low. Due to this we weren’t really growing our brand recognition with the city and our profit margin remained low. Of course we jumped on the social media wagon in 2010 with our first Facebook Fanpage. Who knew it took so much time and effort to generate good posts? We didn’t realized how much work needed to be invested and eventually accepted the fact that we needed help. ¨

Proquipos funny dashboard car meaning
Proquipos funny dashboard car meaning

At Little Pi we recognize that everyone can manage a social media account for their business. Most of us already have personal accounts, where we share photos and videos with friends and families. So basically we all know how to handle a Facebook and Instagram account, but is that really enough? Does sharing photos and videos make a business account grow successfully? Proquipos isn’t alone in this story, brands eventually realize how complex managing online content and communication really is.

MARCH 2020 - Before Little Pi 




JULY 2020 - 3 months with Little Pi 



As we said earlier, we all know the general tools of how to use social media. What makes a business account successful is the link the content has with the company’s value and mission. Everything involved in the brand’s marketing should be complementary to each other.

Let’s analyze a 2017 Proquipos’ post.

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The anatomy of a perfect post is formed by the image, the message, the concept and the day and hour published.

The photos, videos, and the message should have the unique brands’ voice. Is the description in the example effective to communicate the value of their service?

Every visual content is what catches people's attention first. If they see something appealing they will engage to read the message. Remember that every element has a physiologic meaning. How does a black and white photo make you feel?

¨ We thought that just by posting pictures with a short message was going to be enough to grow our social media. But it was harder than what we expected. We were still not getting the response we wanted. We knew we had a voice but couldn't find the tools to represent it.¨

In 2020 Proquipos reached us for help. They really wanted to pursue a successful route in social media and connect with the audience they knew were was there. We started as always with a deep understanding of the companies’ services, products, objectives, values, missions, and goals. We got ourselves soaked in information. Then, with a strategy in hand, we went for it.

In May 2020 we launched the new face of Proquipos on their social media accounts.

We shot original content, straight from the shop’s daily tasks. We interacted with all of Porquipos’ team and employees. Some of them became the stars and were highlighted on Facebook and Instagram. We studied the ideal fan for ProQuipos and built content based on their likes. That’s how the brand’s voice was born. The first month’s results were amazing.


MAY 2020 - 1st month with Little Pi 

122,490 - 34%


The content our team created spoke with the audience that once was silent. We were not only getting more likes, but love responses, and laughs. That meant we had found the magic formula! Individual customers found appealing and amusing the posts created. The language used connected with the audience. Our successful approach is what’s making this account grow as fast as it has. The content designed is what we call ¨shareable and related¨. We put ourselves in the position of being a Proquipos’ customer. Analysis is very important to us and it gives us a guide to follow. By personalizing the visuals, from the illustrations and photographs, we generate reliability and trust. Proquipos’ is a car shop that provides high quality car services for everyone. We are building confidence within the brand. Proquipos’ is in its way to be, each day, more a top of mind in the field of car shops.

¨ Little Pi has opened a door for us. They’ve discovered the key that was missing. Each month the audience interacts more with us. We are very excited to see what the future holds, because right now it looks like we’re moving in the right direction. Finally we were able to fulfill our desire to offer our services outside of what we initially had. We' have started to get out of the shadows we were once in. For us it is very important to help fix people’s cars, as it is a way for them to get to their daily goals and reach their dreams.¨


MUST - visual investment


The Booth Bus - Distance is an Opportunity