La Legión - Understanding what it takes to be safe.

In the year 2014, La Legion Seguridad owners realized that the meaning of ¨security¨ that Guatemala had in that moment was not ideal. They saw the opportunity to accomplish the peoples’ necessities to obtain security but with a different concept, a more integral one.

How different could a security company reflect the meaning of their services? Security means free of damage, feeling safe in every place. It is more complicated to offer security in a country that is considered one of the most violent in Central America. The reason is because of the amount of unemployment and poverty that Guatemala has. Criminal activity is the result of the lack of opportunities that the population has. The statistic institute of Guatemala registered 11,000 robberies in Guatemala city that were denounced and entered the national police documentation. There were far more that were not registered by the police but kept silent by the victims because of the fear of being targeted again. That toll is just for the city, Guatemala has 24 provinces in total.

Do you consider it fair that other people have to be in danger? Violence is never the answer, because the consequences can go as far as losing lives. La Legion is a company that understands that having security in every aspect of someone's life improves the overall well being. That’s why they use the newest technology in the security issue. For them, their services are able to impact positively in the peoples´ road to success, from their business to their homes. Giving security is such an important responsibility that Le Legion takes so seriously that they have obtained more than 6 certifications that make them highly capable to practice security in Guatemala. The effort La Legions has put on their training and certifications proves how serious they are with their mission to provide security with high quality standards. 


¨ We promise our clients that we will protect their lives, assets and valuables. Our compromise is what makes us work as hard everyday, 24/7. Each day we see how people’s quality of life improves, just by making sure they are always safe and free of danger. Our goal is to show the emotional meaning our services bring to people and social media provides us the right channel. We just needed the right partner¨

In march 2020 we started our journey with La Legion. From the start we were able to see how dedicated they were to make sure each team member had the high quality certification. We started making content so people could understand what they offer to the market. Once we settled that information and started a conversation with the audience, we moved on to design visual content that would represent the meaning behind the brand. We had great growth in the first months on the social media platforms. The audience was segmented and analyzed to make sure we continued designing the right content for them.

MARCH - 1st month with LITTLE PI 

1035 > 44% growth
APRIL - 2nd month with LITTLE PI 

1588 > 53% growth
MAY - 3rd month with LITTLE PI

You’ll think that a security company needs to show weapons, cameras and radios all the time to represent the type of services and products they offer in the market. Well, we’ve shown the opposite in La Legion’s social media content we’ve created for them. There was an urge to stand out and be different from the generic companies so we went deep into the emotional connections. The brand represents success and enjoyment of life. That's why we've been making campaign videos with emotional and relatable messages. 


Without security people would not be able to fulfill simple daily tasks. Being safe should apply inside a home, while driving and making errands, in the office etc. This company offers integral services to make sure this happens. So how do you speak so deep with your audience when offering security? You need to visually represent their dreams, achievements, goals and daily routines. There is no need to show the security guard to make people understand the service. Each agent provides progress. While developing the content and strategy for La Legion we had to be in constant contact with trends and routines. This company, just like any other, was impacted with the worldwide pandemic that struck us early 2020. 


¨ Imagine what is going to happen to a country like Guatemala with the economic impact of this pandemic resulted in. More people are going to be unemployed. Our safety is going to be in the line because desperation leads to unexpected acts. We never stopped working during these hard times. We even became more aware of the country’s reality. Our clients were not only at risk of being hurt but a virus was in the loose and we needed to keep them safe in that aspect as well. ¨

Homes became a sacred place. Businesses are caring not only for physical well being but also for health. We’ve been able to confirm to the audience that La Legion provides the tranquility they need to overcome this situation. We personalized the team of professionals and clients with real testimonials based on the current experiences. We touch the soul by reflecting empathy in the content. These days people see either misleading or negative news in their social media feed. Imagine the impact people are having by reading this type of information that causes stress and anxiety. La Legion content is much more different in the sense that they want to show people that they can and will move on in their lives.

The content is like a breath of fresh air because the messages are about taking care of each other. That’s why it is so important to make a strategy personalized for each business. All of them have their own voice, and in the La Legion’s case, their most powerful voices are from their own employees. How often do you hear so deep messages from company workers? These security experts are putting in risk their own lives to protect others. They must be heard by the audience!


¨ We can’t imagine our life without our social media platforms that have been created for us. Even we were able to understand better the deep meaning of our company. Our team can even use this content to find motivation when things become hard. We’ve had our mission in mind in the beginning but were not able to show it as clear as it has been. Our hope is to keep engaging with our audience while distancing because these platforms has opened us a channel of positive messages.¨ 

¨ We can’t imagine our life without our social media platforms that have been created for us. Even we were able to understand better the deep meaning of our company. Our team can even use this content to find motivation when things become hard. We’ve had our mission in mind in the beginning but were not able to show it as clear as it has been. Our hope is to keep engaging with our audience while distancing because these platforms has opened us a channel of positive messages.¨ 


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