Hospital Ángeles - Bringing the human touch to your business.

Hospital Angeles story

You live every day thinking that you will have a normal day, just like the rest. You avoid putting yourself and your family members at risk. But what happens when someone gets hurt? Do you know exactly what you would do to get medical assistance? Guatemala has had a crisis in the public health system for many many years. The hospitals either don't have the financial support they need to function at its 100% or they become over crowded and cannot longer admit more people. Imagine the frustration of not being able to have medical assistance when an emergency occurs. That’s why private hospitals, with the mission of giving medical care to Guatemalans, have been opening and investing on their equipment to bring down prices and improve health care across the nation.


In 2014 there was a study made to establish how the health systems were for many countries in Central America. This study showed that Guatemala had one of the weakest of them all. They calculated that for each 1,000 Guatemalans there were 0.6 hospital beds available. That means less than 1 per person. Hospital Ángeles is the first private hospital to get an ISO 9001 certification across the entire facility, not just the operating room. This certification means that they give high quality service from the admission of a patient, to the diagnosis, treatment, bedding, operating rooms and much more. 

Hospital Ángeles is an organization that values people's health in all of their aspects. They wanted to comunicate these added benefits to their patients but the location and past ownership reputation made it quite difficult for them to breakthrough. They first opened their Facebook page in 2014 with little success. Most of their content was focused on low prices and package deal to lure other family members to join the Hospital. In September 2019 they approached Little Pi to bring out their true voice with a new way to communicate. The year prior they only grew by only 1,000 followers. They got stuck and wanted to break out of that slow growth. Speaking effectively to the audience can be challenging if the correct objectives are not established. We’ve had enough experience to help Hospital Ángeles grow exponentially.

Hospital Angeles pandemia




¨ We were doing what we thought was the correct way to manage our social media. We were posting constantly and sharing content. The posts had colors and graphics. The first years were good and we saw how we were growing. Then we realized that each year we became more stuck with the same audience and we weren’t growing. We couldn't understand why if we were doing the same as the beginning. ¨

Throughout the years of being in the field of managing and developing social media content for different companies, we’ve established some factors that affect the growth of the accounts. We use our knowledge to implement the best strategies and to make the ideal decisions. If the content is not creative and the brand is just not being itself, less people interact with it. What we found when starting with Hospital Ángles is that they had been investing almost 90% of their content with promotions. It has been proven that the audience block ad posts when they are too obvious that they want to sell something. 


We are not saying that you should not promote your business or service. You can obtain more organic growth when not trying to sell it all of the time. Some of the benefits of organic growth is that you can save money and the audience you reach is your ideal one that truly believes in your brand. We never had imagined the growth Hospital Ángeles was going to obtain with the content we designed specially for them. 

After only 6 months of working with us, Hospital Ángeles grew 6 times more than what they had grown the year prior. 


6 months with LITTLE PI


¨ Finally we broke the walls we had in our accounts. The audience was there but we just weren’t able to reach them in an effective way. We learned that we abused the promotions. At the end we did it not to sell more, but to bring people to get the medical attention they deserve. The message was not being shared clearly. Now we can see the difference in the interaction. ¨ 

Hospital Ángeles truly want to make people know that they have professionals and high quality technology to assist them. Instead of constantly posting about their services and promotions they have, we are developing tips and recommendations’ content. This information is of course approved and revised by the medical team, and then an Illustration or graphic is designed to make it appealing to the audience. This content is what we call ¨sharable¨. ¿Why are people sharing this information with others? Because it has a weight for them and is useful. 

Remember that we talked about organic growth? That doesn't mean that you should not invest in the ads and boost some posts. But the process of investing in the correct content has its own science behind.

What you ultimately want is to be able to reach as many people at a low cost. You should be promoting a post that has enough power to make people engage. Let see an example of a successful investment in social media paid advertising. We chose a post that talked about our heroes don’t wear capes but scrubs. 

The investment was Q198.50 and the reach was 15,924. Hospital Ángeles obtained 80% more results than the money spent on it. 


¨ Boosting and paying more and more on ads was not a solution for our stranded page. The message also impacts how the people react. We didn’t increase our monthly budget in ads. What has happened is that is being invested intelligently. With these successful ads our page grew on followers, or how we like to call it, our community. ¨

To make sure we were representing the institution's engine, we started making informative videos explained by their own team of doctors. How could these videos make a difference? This is a powerful strategy because, as people see these doctors in social media, they are the same that assist you in the hospital. They look famous right. But just like any other medical professional, they work non stop to make sure their patients recover and receive the correct treatment. 

This content could be more real, and by real we mean authentic. As many of our other clients, Hospital Ángeles as well was impacted with the 2020 pandemic. As a medical institute they upgraded their health and hygiene protocols to make sure they could be assisting COVID-19 patients as well as regular. They even opened a secunday facility where the patients had the first checkup to avoid contamination.  All these new processes were also being shared in social media. People felt safe and many approached Hospital Ángeles for help when suspecting they had the virus. They had such positive feedback that patients' testimonials were a priority for us and for the hospital. We’ve been posting raw testimonials of patients, nurses and doctors and are in the line combating this virus. All of the testimonials are being as the people itself shared it. The messages are of hope and perseverance. Hospital Ángeles is always working to make sure people recover from every condition. They will never stop fighting for their country.


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