With the correct content people will interact with your brand.

Use your social media as your presentation card and save money on the traditional marketing that usually costs a lot of money. The most tangible result that a company can get within its social media presence is the interaction that it gets online with its audience. With the correct voice and emotional trigger, the content can make people feel confidence to build a conversation channel. Everyone wants to grow their consumer’s engagement for their brand, they must be consistent to be on top of their minds. Building a genuine relationship takes time and effort. Being social means to have a two way communication. Overall, the online platforms are an inexpensive way to impact the active community. Speaking directly was never as easy as it is now.  Offers and messages can be made between brands as a primary client. Building a relationship can help to finish a deal. Little Pi brings their clients closer to their network.

Companies can get too comfortable when posting online. But comfort can lead to dullness. There is no reason to lose the people’s attention by choosing the easiest route. Little Pi searches for the best format to deliver messages for their clients. There are some formats that can increase a person’s information retention. These days time is used wisely.  In some cases challenging the minds can result in more attention. But incomplete abstract messages can misinterpret the purpose behind. Choosing the ideal format at platform depends on the objective goal. Combining them can also improve the interaction. Little Pi evaluates which visual and textual elements are best to be absorbed by the target audience. A successful relative content can make an individual, unsolicited, share that information with its community. Brands want to have people talking online about their products and services. These sharing experiences can lead to new fans and new sales. 


Beyond the aesthetic aspect of a social media account, we have the customer relations and reviews. When someone visits a page, they must be able to answer most of their questions just by scrolling through the first couple of posts and information. Each post should showcase the best of your brand’s value and quality. At the end, even in the virtual world that social media can be, your content should show off the most important aspect that customers should expert if they purchase your product.

Make people think ¨wow¨while scrolling though your brand’s page. Little Pi designs visuals that show the most accurate value possible. With the correct content people can end up getting what they expected based on his or her first impressions. It is a fact that people get annoyed when they are not able to find a company on social media. Lack of online presence can be a deal breaker for some people. 

Little Pi understands how people are using social media for more than just talking with family and friends, they are also using this platform to discover the best prominent companies. With a single like, a short comment or a simple question, your brand can start to grow a deep relationship with the final consumer. But in order to start that interaction your page should invite the users to start. Good high quality visuals have a direct impact on a company's social media account and its online position. If people get a good first impression in their first search they're more likely to feel confident to even try it out. The cost of enhancing and mankind good quality posts is nothing compared to the cost of investing on tradicional high format marketing platforms. No one carries their business cards in their wallets like they’ve used to. That's why most brands had already started implementing online strategically marketing campaigns to reach for its idea client that is out there. Good content will be long remembered in people’s minds. Even if they don’t start reaching and engaging right away, being on their minds is an opportunity that they might do it someday. Little Pi makes unique compositions to generate the best first impression for clients, expecting that each second, a new interested customers is going to visit their pages online.


Use the metrics to innovate your brand based on the current trends.


Social media allows you to target your company's audience