When should we use photos or illustrations in a post?


Social media content should be aimed at establishing relationships and connecting with the users. By aligning content with the business’ goals and objectives the brand can grow. Both photos and illustrations can be used in posts, and choosing the right form for the occasion is more than a little important.

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Let’s compare both formats. 

Human perception and cognition are complex. Even in the absence of words, humans can still process a story. Due to the holistic nature of human perception (which sees the different aspects of visual data processed simultaneously), images can tell a story efficiently. In that way, the old adage -pictures speak louder than words, rings true.


Photos: aesthetics, functionality and realness

Photos can emphasize a product’s aesthetic quality or its functional properties. Psychological research suggests that some people respond better to the former and some to the latter (Snyder et al, 1985); either or both can be emphasized in a photo. Keeping this in mind, photos can be used to sell. Additionally, photos are used to signal authenticity and we can use them to highlight the realness of a product or a brand.


Illustrations can be used to increase information retention.

Using retention tests, psychologists have found that when text is accompanied by illustrations, people remember more. Even more impressively, people seem to favor illustrations over text; when text is accompanied by illustrations with contradicting information, people are more likely to remember the illustration’s account (Peeck, 1974). By using illustrations, a company can ensure that key information is clear in the minds of its followers. 

When choosing the appropriate form for a post, keeping in mind the end goal is key, but both photos and illustrations will improve an account’s communication with its network. And due to the feedback inherent to social media, with every post, we get more information, allowing for increased efficiency in the ones to follow. Combine social media and images and you’ll find that delivering information has never been quite this effective.

Peeck, J. (1974). Retention of pictorial and verbal content of a text with illustrations. Journal of Educational Psychology, 66(6), 880-888.

Snyder, M., & DeBono, K. G. (1985). Appeals to image and claims about quality: Understanding the psychology of advertising. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(3), 586-597.


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