How your business needs to adapt

Guatemala will be forever changed.

The coronavirus outbreak will change people's lives in many aspects. We need to find solutions to overcome the impact and move forward towards improvements. Every business will encounter obstacles within this pandemic, but the goal will always be to continue offering products and services to their customers. Communication and relationships as we used to know them will change forever due to social distancing. But, is social distancing an obstacle for your business functioning? The situation we are currently living in will forever change the way businesses approach their clients, but with the right tools and strategies, they can overcome the struggle and be successful.


Businesses need to continue functioning to survive. The best way to remain in contact with their consumers is by using the tools available while social distancing. How are people still communicating? Social media platforms and virtual communications are being used as never before. People can still reach for a product or request for a service without leaving their homes. Businesses need to invest more time and effort in their online accounts because these platforms are safe to connect without direct physical contact. 

Brands need to see beyond what they were used to. If physical stores are not an option, then get involved in online technology. Conventional marketing will not accomplish its purpose because of the isolation during the pandemic. Part of the adaptation is to care for people’s health and wellbeing. Offering an easy to reach platform will improve the business trust. The visual resources are useful to deliver messages fast. Formats like photos and videos can substitute store’s shelves. Authenticity is going to be the key to stay active in business. If trust is built, clients will be confident enough to make a purchase.


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