Is your business posting high quality photos?

Using good quality pictures have a direct effect on the product’s selling success. Remember that everything that’s used to promote the brand, is a representation of the quality and value of it. The images should represent the real product at its finest. High quality photos have good resolution and sharpen details. A Photos’ purpose is to captivate the audience. They should, not only have a specific style representative of the business, but they should also be a reflection of what it's worth. High quality photographs of products will generate trust in the customers. Remember that they can speak louder than words. A product may be #1 in the market, but if the photos don't show it, customers will doubt the purchase. Low quality photos can be blurry and distorted. Also they can have poor light and color composition. The brand’s photo content should be appealing to the audience.


Highlighting qualities of good photos

The quality of the content shared in sites is a reflection of the brand’s position in the market. To remain visible to customers, there should be enough photos available and these should have certain aspects to be labeled as good quality. 


It is important to establish the ideal photo size and proportion depending on the site’s layout. A wrong size can alter the photo’s purpose. A low resolution photo will become blurry and pixelated as it is scaled up. The site or account won’t look professional if the photos don’t fit perfectly to the layout and size. 


The photo content needs to go beyond just showing a product, it should tell a story. People feel connected when they can relate with the brand and its personality. Images can project attitudes and a lifestyle. Content should be designed for a purpose. Each photo needs a highlight or a main character within the composition. There can be more behind a photo than just a product. A unique composition generates more attention. 


Pre made photo filters can eliminate the authenticity. Enhancement of the photos should add value, not remove it. Certain adjustments can boost a picture. We recommend creating a Preset to bring your photos together with the right mood. Subtle changes of exposure, contrast and shadows can improve the quality of a photo. Common found filters can be easily identified. Those filters are the “easy route”. Reaching for the ideal photo result takes time and effort. That effort pays off when seen by the audience. Good content will be long remembered.


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