Benefits to outsourcing creative work


Unless you’ve been in the position of creating your own business creative content, you understand the amount of time and effort it takes to grow the social media platforms accounts. It is not a secret that a successful account is the result of a well defined strategy, involving communication, engagement, design and branding knowledge. We Little Pi prioritize to stay up-to-date with the platform's changes and trends so every content created stays ahead in the feed. It all starts with a calendar that allows a consecutive followup of each client's post and advertisement. There are many benefits of having a partner that takes over the creative and managing the work that takes to make sure the social media platforms are growing. 


Posting involves planning, creating, preparing and of course executing. By outsourcing an external creative company you save money on hiring different staff professionals and a team of designers. Remember that each employee means an adicional salary. With an external company you only pay for the project and content. All of the creative professionals, developers and marketing experts  are in your disposition and work together to build the perfect online marketing strategy. With Little Pi you get a full team of specialists that dedicate their whole potential to add value to each design and publication with no additional overhead costs. Also, there is a famous say ¨Time equals money¨ , Which means that time is a resource that costs money for all of the businesses in the world. Productivity is achieved when you are able to accomplish all of the goals and tasks by using the minimum resources. With an outsourcing team your company gets the job done efficiently, consistently with detailed metrics to monitor the creative campaigns. The money saved can be used to invest in the company’s necessities to improve their services and products. Not forget the investment of all of the computers, cameras, programs and more that are needed to develop and produce all type of visual material. With an external team, your company doesn't have to worry about that because they already have all of that for them to use.


One of the key aspects that must be taken into consideration in order to build a loyal connection with the audience, is the continuity in the brand’s style and voice. Brands also need to use their representative elements to help them be seen by their customers. Differentiation is important to stand out in the industry. The consistent style unifies the marketing media, product and brand. Having a clear guideline helps design efficiently and saves precious time. By working with an external social media creative team, you have the certainty that a guideline is being used in every content created. Building a genuine brand style takes time but the effort pays off. Little Pi full team is dedicated to portray the brand in it’s full originality. The most important aspect that determines the brand differentiation is through developing unique positioning, and an acquate social media strategy can obtain just that. An effective positioning can make people aspire to your brand’s products and services. At the end, even between companies in the same industry, each one reaches a specific individual with specific values. With an external partner that manages your creative and social media accounts, you don’t have to worry about going out of track. They are going to use a specific guideline to follow for your brand.


Coming up with ideas to post constantly can be overwhelming for one person itself, in Little Pi we have many creative minds that come together to bring new and fresh ideas for clients of different industries. Someone outside your business can provide a different way to communicate the value of a company. Little Pi makes a deep analysis of the target audience for each client, to make sure they grow the profiles among that ideal customer. An external creative team develops the campaign based on what the audience enjoys and uses that content as a way to persuade them to reach for your brand. All the different visual formats that you can get with outsourcing the creative for your company are going to be designed specifically for you. 


Outsourcing the creative work that takes place when creating social media content you can improve the productivity of the company’s operations. This is due to the fact that you have multiple professionals available to complete and design the best content for your social media. All the workers that Little Pi has on the team are highly skilled and talented in each specific field of expertise. When going through all the steps required to complete a successful social media calendar, time is gold and it must be used efficiently. When outsourcing the creative, your company has a full team focused and dedicated to reach the same goal. Meanwhile, your internal collaborations can focus on the core activities as business growth. Little Pi team will free your time and energy so you can dedicate fully on building and improving your brand. A well composed team of creative professionals can manage everything from the designs, copywriting, targeted audience analysis, marketing tools and statistics. All of the efforts combined can help your brand get closer to reaching the online marketing goals. Little Pi makes sure you get the most positive effects and experience. 

No matter how big or small your company is, you can get many benefits when outsourcing  a team of professionals that have all the knowledge on how to do the creative and manage the online marketing. Little Pi is formed with the best team and technology to make sure that, onced hired, they are ready to start on helping the new client achieve the goals. Little Pi is constant training to be up to date with the current techniques and trends online. A deadline can be reached only if the work is made effectively. When working with the ideal partner, you're certain that you’ll get the best results on time. All of the people involved in the creation of the marketing formats should work towards endorsing the brand’s style, unique voice and personality. 


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Involve and align all of your company’s collaborators with the online marketing communication plan.