El Pulté - The pandemic kept everyone home, yet they found a way to stay connected.

The distance was never an excuse for El Pulté to stop communicating with the people who have been their motor since the beginning of this project.

El Pulté Little Pi Storie - Walking

El Pulté is a residential urbanization project in Guatemala that provides one of the best housing but also integrates two high-class activities, golfing and horseback riding. Here you can be part of either club and use their amenities designed to please every person. All of the architecture and landscape found in El Pulté is high quality with top of the line elements. Their goal is to provide housing combined with entertainment to families in Guatemala City. They wanted to have all the essentials in one place for people to gather together and have a great time over the weekends and their free time.


Various leader companies came together to develop this amazing project, that after so much hard work and dedication, were able to inaugurate El Pulte in 2015. This place is like no other seen before in Guatemala. Each detail inside was thoroughly thought. They wanted the experience to be appreciated from the moment they entered the gates. The views and landscapes that El Pulte has made the ride inside a delightful experience. They really thought about everything. Each Club has its own special atmosphere. At the end, is more than just to practice a hobby, it becomes a lifestyle that each member of the family can enjoy.


¨We have been very fortunate because the response of the people since the beginning has been amazing. We can truly see how El Pulté has become a sanctuary for families to come and enjoy time together. Here they can practice healthy activities surrounded with nature and just forget about the daily stress.¨

El Pulté Little Pi Stories Golf Balls

For us Little Pi, when starting a communication with a client, it's very important to understand their unique value they offer to the market. In the case of El Pulté, the value can be seen at the first sight. We easily understood how important it is for them to have communication with their customers. They are in constant contact with them to be able to get feedback and make sure everything is as good as it can be. It was very obvious to us that they want ¨wellness¨ for each club member. Starting from making them feel secure to then to making them pleasant. 


¨ This 2020 has been a challenging year for us because of the world-wide pandemic. People became enclosed in their homes in order to stop the rapidly spreading of the new virus. From one day to another, our fields became empty and silent as never seen before. This was due to the effort everyone was making for their country and the world. We wanted to communicate to our audience an important message, the message of hope. Soon one day we’ll be back doing what we all love. We are waiting for them with open arms.¨


In April, one month after quarantine started, we were contacted by El Pulté Golf. They shared with us their desire to reach out and connect with their clients.  The message was clear as the water, when everything goes back to normal, El Pulté Golf would be ready to receive each and every one. They’ve been working nonstop to maintain their club in the best shape, so the minute they can receive the members back everything would be more than ready, perfectly ready.


The production of the Golf Club’s campaign was an amazing success. We were able to highlight the elements necessary to display the essence of the video. From details to panoramic views of the fields, you can appreciate the whole aspect of what El Pulté Golf is all about.

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El Pulté Little Pi Stories

¨ The Golf Club’s video opened a new door for us. We were able to speak directly to our audience in these tough times where everyone is distancing themselves. Besides the space between us and our people, we delivered a message of optimism in the social media platforms. Since the start of this pandemic, we have shown that this would not stop us from working hard and maintain what we promised since the beginning of our project. ¨


El Pulté saw how they can effectively speak and communicate a message using their social media platform. Today more than ever, people are staying in touch with family and friends using social media so they are very active. Another benefit is that the audience can interact with the posts. That means that they can share it if they relate with the content. What a video production allows is to show rather than to explain. Here you use the sense of sight and hearing, all in one place.


¨ We saw such a positive reaction in the Golf Campaign that, when Mother`s day was coming close, we decided to work again with Little Pi and make another production. Here in Guatemala Mother’s day is a day of celebration. We dedicate this day to express gratitude to all mothers. In May things were still far from normal but that was not an excuse to not spoil our mothers, that was the message we wanted to share with this video. An important part was to understand what many are going through in these strange times we are living. Moms are in a position where they feel they need to make everyone feel better while at home. We wanted to show how families spend happy times together in our facilities and they’ve used those memories to try to get the same experience.¨


For the Mother’s day campaign video we wanted to show, not only a message but to mirror many of us reality where mothers make everything for us. Now, due to the pandemic mother’s have even more responsibilities under their shoulders. The correct props were key in this video because they needed to represent all of the elements related to the brand, El Pulté Golf. It was a challenge for us to gather all the objects that could properly function as a homemade field. Also it was essential to represent the abstract aspect of what El Pulté offers. It's more than just activities, it’s about happiness, memories, and union.


We used similarities as symbols to represent the value of El Pulté, and what they provide to people. A motivational message is heard in this video. We opened with an affirmation of the important role of each mother and we ended with an empathy call to all mothers. Again we achieved a relatable content that connects with the audience. The difference of what a photo would have accomplished vs a video is that you grab people’s attention for more than 1 second. That's why making engaging content is very important to have success.


Suplicentro - From old school marketing to Social Media successful.